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Be Careful If You Run The Room Heater All Night In Winter: Health Risks of Overnight Heater Use



Be Careful If You Run The Room Heater All Night In Winter

Be Careful If You Run The Room Heater All Night In Winter

Health Risks of Overnight Heater Use

Dakshinayan State in particular experiences temperatures that drop as low as one degree during winter nights. Therefore, many prefer staying indoors to avoid the chill and use room heaters to stay warm – however this could actually have negative repercussions for their health.

Doctors warn of the dangers associated with leaving heaters running overnight and suggest increasing their operating temperature to increase safety. Heating appliances dry out the air and decrease oxygen levels in a room, releasing carbon monoxide gas that is harmful to lung tissue and can lead to infections; leaving heaters running all night can result in dizziness and headache, as well as raising the risk of cardiovascular diseases.

Low Humidity Affects Eyes and Skin

Low Humidity Affects Eyes and Skin

Room heaters can reduce humidity levels in the house, leading to eye pain, itching and conjunctivitis in young children and older individuals. Low humidity levels also damage skin by drying it out and becoming itchy; many make the mistake of leaving their heater on when leaving home and this causes fluctuations that affect blood circulation, increasing risk for heart diseases.

Turn Off the Heater at Night

Turn Off the Heater at Night | Gossipheadlines

According to senior physician Dr. Kavaljit Singh, it is wiser to turn off the heater before going to bed at night. A two or three hour run on your house’s heater in the evening can do enough warming up; so there’s no reason to keep running it throughout the night. Instead, wearing warm clothing and sipping warm beverages such as water is preferable without becoming used to being around such an extreme heat source. Be mindful also about taking steps towards managing your diet properly.

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