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Brian Fraser Parents: Sean Fraser And Micaela Fraser Are Parents and Sister Micaela Fraser



Since the MSU shooting incident occurred, people have remained distraught over its aftermath and those involved. All three victims who perished are college students; therefore the entire world mourns and wants justice for them. According to police reports, three students passed away, one being Brian Fraser who’s siblings and parents still cannot cope with his absence in their lives.

Brian Fraser Has Shocked His Parents and Family

Brian Fraser Has Shocked His Parents and Family | Gossipheadlines

Death can be devastating news; especially when caused by others. We cannot imagine the anguish and sorrow felt by Brian Fraser’s parents and those close to them as social media is filled with condolences and tributes for him and two other students killed at Michigan State University located in East Lansing on Monday, 13th February 2023; five students remain severely injured with two requiring hospital treatment in critical condition.

Brian Fraser Parents | Gossipheadlines

People Want more information

Many are curious as to the status of injured students and suspect Anthony Dwayne McRae (43 years old), who apparently killed himself by self-inflicted gunshot. Many websites are reporting on this deadly shooting as people want more details regarding deceased’s family as they grieve after his passing away.

Family and Friends Remember Brian Fraser

Family and Friends Remember Brian Fraser | Gossipheadlines

Brian Fraser died tragically in this lethal incident and his family have been heartbroken and traumatized by this unexpected event. Sean Fraser weeps constantly after learning of Brian’s demise while Micela Fraser remains traumatized from witnessing it all first-hand. Many texts and calls are being sent their way but Micela states her family are currently not ready to discuss anything further due to being too distraught themselves. Jon Dean from Grosse Pointe described this event as an unspeakable tragedy which must not be forgotten

His father wrote on social media to mourn and remember him, stating he was an excellent and beloved son who everyone loved and appreciated. Grosse Pointe South Swimming and Diving team paid their own tribute and expressed how devastated they are over his death; Brian served as chapter president of Phi Delta Theta Michigan Beta chapter during his sophomore year at MSU; all five injured students remain critical.

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