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Keshari Nath Tripathi: Active Kashmir Soldier and Shri Ram Janmabhoomi Advocate Enters Politics for 4 Decades



Keshari Nath Tripathi

Keshari Nath Tripathi

Kesari Nath Tripathi, UP Speaker and West Bengal Governor, Dies at 88

Kesari Nath Tripathi died peacefully early morning of January 8, 2019 due to prolonged illness. A veteran politician in Uttar Pradesh for nearly four decades, Tripathi served as MLA, minister and Assembly Speaker three times before being nominated as Governor of West Bengal.

Participate in the Sangh Swayamsevak movement

Keshari Nath Tripathi

Keshari Nath Tripathi

Kesari Nath Tripathi was an integral figure in Uttar Pradesh politics for over four decades. Born November 10, 1934, he first joined the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS) when he was just 15 years old before transitioning into becoming an activist with Bharatiya Jana Sangh in 1952. Later jailed due to his participation in both Kashmir’s Movement and Sri Ram Janmabhoomi movement movements in 1990.

Legal and political careers

Keshari Nath Tripathi

Tripathi began his education at Central Hindu School of Allahabad before going on to receive both BA and LL.B degrees from Allahabad University. Thereafter he served as elected joint secretary, then president for three years of the Allahabad Bar Association.

Tripathi began his political career in 1977 by winning election to the Jhusi Assembly on a Janata Party ticket and later became an MLA several times as well as serving three times as Speaker of Uttar Pradesh Legislative Assembly. Additionally, Tripathi served as Minister for Finance and Sales Tax before eventually being nominated as Governor of West Bengal in 2014.

Legacy and Recognition

Keshari Nath Tripathi

Kesari Nath Tripathi was an esteemed politician in Indian politics, known for his political leadership and generous charitable deeds. For his efforts in law and governance he received two honorary D.Litt degrees – one from Meerut University and the other from Rajarshi Tandon Open University.

Tripathi was well known for his literary talents and continued writing even after becoming Governor of West Bengal. Sadly, Tripathi passed away at 88 on January 8, 2022 leaving behind an outstanding legacy of political engagement and social impact.

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