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Who are Joshua Rowland Parents? Missing 2-Year-old Boy Has Been Found Alive



Joshua Rowland, 2, went missing one afternoon, prompting great concern from his parents who immediately reported it to Florida Law Department and launched an investigation utilizing drones and local residents’ help in search of him.

How Did Joshua Rowland Go Missing?

How Did Joshua Rowland Go Missing? | Gossipheadlines

After an exhausting search on Friday morning (24 February 2023 at 11 a.m), Joshua was finally located one mile away from his home at 11 am on 24 February. Luckily he only sustained minor scratches, which were taken directly to hospital.

Where did Missing Child Found?

Where Can Joshua Rowland Be Found? | Gossipheadlines

Joshua’s parents, John and Emily, expressed great relief and gratitude upon seeing Joshua back safely home. John explained that Joshua is typically curious and may have wandered off after discovering something of interest to him.

Community members rallied behind Joshua and his family during this trying time, with local volunteer Roy Link being responsible for finding Joshua in the woods.

Joshua’s family can take comfort in knowing a happy outcome has come from this tragic experience and take note to be vigilant with any children that are engaging in new experiences, particularly when they may pose risks to themselves or others.

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