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Who Is Dillon Reeves Bus Driver? A Young Hero-13-Year-Old Boy Saves Classmates as Bus Driver fell unconscious



Who Is Dillon Reeves Bus Driver?

Who Is Dillon Reeves Bus Driver?

Dillon Reeves of Michigan has become an overnight hero after saving a school bus from colliding into oncoming traffic. Reeves noticed the driver losing consciousness and took action immediately without waiting for help to arrive – steering it safely back towards safety before stopping it at its destination.

Who Is Dillon Reeves Bus Driver And His Life-Saving Decision

Michigan Dillon Reeves stops school bus after driver passes out | Gossipheadlines

Gossipheadlines reported that Reeves’ parents took the deliberate decision not to provide him with a cellphone, which proved extremely advantageous during this crisis. Steve Reeves explained to CBS how being without one “teaches one to observe and be aware of one’s surroundings”, something which could potentially save lives during emergencies; many passengers on board the bus were distracted by personal devices while unaware of Reeves’ situation.

Dillon Reeves’s Bravery Praised

Reeves' Bravery Praised | Gossipheadlines

Following his courageous actions, Reeves was heralded as a hero by both students and school district leader Robert D. Livernois via Facebook post. Livernois lauded Reeves’ efforts as making “all of the difference today and I could not be prouder of his efforts”. As a result of Reeves’ actions, his parents postponed getting him a phone for even longer.

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