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Who Is Kristen Gantt? Dowling Teacher Arrested For Sex Exploitation



Gantt_ Kristen

Gantt_ Kristen

Teacher Arrested for Sexual Exploitation

Dowling Catholic High School in West Des Moines was recently rocked by an unspeakable incident. On Friday, April 14, Kristen Gantt, one of its English teachers was arrested for engaging in sexual relations with one of her students while in class.

Identity of Arrested Teacher

Kristen Gantt

Kristen Gantt

Kristen Gantt, 36 years old and an English teacher at Dowling Catholic High School in West Des Moines is facing two counts of sexual exploitation for allegedly engaging in sexual acts with one of her students while teaching class.

Details of the Charges

Dowling Teacher Charged

Dowling Teacher Charged

Kristen Gantt is facing charges of engaging in an improper sexual relationship with one of her students from class, according to a criminal complaint filed with police. Gantt admitted to them she engaged in such conduct on at least five separate occasions after school hours within their classroom environment.

Evidence of Inappropriate Contact

Teacher Charged With Sexual Exploitation

Teacher Charged With Sexual Exploitation

According to reports, an arrest search warrant revealed that Kristen and Gantt were exchanging flirtatious and personal messages via Instagram and email, discussing spending time together outside of school hours, as well as reaching out for support while dealing with family issues at home.

Dowling Catholic High School community was shocked by this shocking event and has issued a statement strongly denouncing Gantt’s behavior and promising cooperation with authorities during their investigation.

At this difficult time, our thoughts are with the victim and their loved ones. We will continue to monitor this situation and provide updates as soon as they become available.

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