What Happened To Cody Liddle in Boat Accident? Is He Alive?
An accident that took place on Sunday, Feb 26th has sent shockwaves through Lebanon Tennessee’s community. Cody Liddle from Lebanon has been identified as being involved. As soon as word spread about this tragedy people started searching the web to gain more information regarding this incident and his condition.
In this article, we have attempted to address all of your key queries pertaining to this story. Read further to gain more insight

Accident of Cody Liddle in a Boat
Fishing communities were among the first to learn of Cody Liddle’s boat accident on Old Hickory Lake, yet its exact circumstances are still unclear. All known information indicates he sustained multiple injuries and is receiving care at Vanderbilt’s trauma department for these injuries – please continue scrolling for more details.

cody liddle boat accident
Cody Liddle’s Injuries
Cody Liddle was injured severely during the boating accident. According to reliable sources, his injuries include a shattered jaw, three arm-bone fractures, numerous lacerations and neck laceration. Although it remains unknown the degree of his back fracture is, an MRI will be administered shortly to assess it further.
Cody Liddle’s Family Seeks Prayers
Cassie Beasley Liddle, Cody Liddle’s wife, expressed her thanks for all those who reached out during this trying time. She expressed how grateful they are for all the notes, phone calls and texts they have received as well as prayers they are receiving to speed Cody’s recovery process quickly. We join Cassie and wish Cody well during his recovery process.

Cody Liddle’s Family
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